FFY2023 and 2024 Announcement of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) 5310 Funding Availability
Proposed Awards for FFY2023 and FFY2024
FFY2023 Ogden Layton Program of Projects
FFY2023 Provo Orem Program of Projects
FFY2023 Salt Lake Program of Projects
FFY2024 Ogden Layton Program of Projects
FFY2024 Provo Orem Program of Projects
FFY2024 Salt Lake Program of Projects
Application Cycle
September 10, 2024- Mandatory Post-Award Training for Subrecipients (Virtual)
September 12, 2024- Mandatory Post-Award Training for Subrecipients (In-Person)
In-person training will be held at UTA Offices, Meadowbrook Building 1in the Board Room.
The next Notice of Funding Opportunity will be posted December 15, 2025
If you have questions, please email Alika : alindsay@rideuta.com
Program Purpose
The Section 5310 Program is intended to enhance mobility for seniors and persons with disabilities by providing funds for programs to serve the special needs of transit-dependent populations beyond traditional public transportation services and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) complementary paratransit services. The program provides financial assistance to private non-profit corporations, associations, or eligible public governmental agencies to meet the special transportation needs of seniors and individuals with disabilities.
Fact Sheet
UTA is responsible for the management and administration of FTA Section 5310 Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program in Utah’s three Urbanized Areas (UZAs). The Urbanized area include Weber, Davis, Salt Lake, Utah and parts of Box Elder counties.
Capital projects require a 20% local share from applicants and operating costs require a 50% local share. The local match portion of each project must be committed at the time of application and must come from eligible funding sources. Transportation revenue is not an eligible source for local matching funds and must be subtracted from the total operating budget as revenue.
Funding Selection Process
Projects are selected for award through a competitive application process. UTA 5310 Management scores and ranks projects based on the scoring criteria provided in the application instructions. Each regional LCC establishes a review process and recommends projects for funding to the 5310 Grant Management Advisory Team which makes the final awards.
Once approved by FTA, successful applicants enter into a standard grant agreement with UTA. The agreement remains in effect until the terms of the agreement are met. Grantees are responsible for complying with the requirements of the UTA agreement and applicable FTA regulations. All grants are subject to the requirements of UTA’s 5310 Program Management Plan.
For detailed information and requirements for the FTA 5310 Program, please review the FTA 5310 Circular.
For more information on how UTA manages this program, funds and subrecipients please view our Program Management Plan:
UTA 5310 Program Management Plan
Alternative Formats are available upon request.
A pre-application must be submitted by all applicants and is similar to a “Letter of Intent”. We use the preapplication to determine your agencies eligibility to receive Federal funding. Pre-applications must be submitted via ZoomGrants , UTA’s online grant application and managements system. Applicants not eligible for 5310 awards will be contacted regarding their pre-applications.
Eligible entities include:
- Private non-profit organizations
- Public bodies approved by the State to coordinate services for seniors and persons with disabilities.
- Public bodies that certify that no other non-profit corporations or associations are readily available in the area to provide the service
Eligible Project Area Maps
- Weber and Davis County, and areas within areas within Brigham City, Perry, and/or Willard Cities
- Salt Lake County
- Utah County
Eligible projects:
Funding is available for capital and operating expenses for transportation programs serving seniors and individuals with disabilities. Including:
- Purchase of Accessible Transit Vans, Mini-vans, Sedans, or Cutaway Buses
- Purchase of Non-Accessible vehicles with certificate of equivalent service
- Vehicle rehabilitation or upfit to ADA
- Preventive Maintenance
- 3rd Party Contracted Transportation Services
- Mobility Management
- Operating Assistance
- Other Equipment upon UTA approval
All applicants are required to have an active registration in the Federal System of Award Management (SAM). New registrations and renewals can be completed at www.SAM.Gov .
In addition, all projects must address a need or strategy identified in the 2022 locally developed Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plans for the UZA where the project is located. The 2022 Coordination Needs and Strategies for Davis, Salt Lake, Utah, and Weber Counties, and the urban areas of Box Elder County (Brigham City, Perry, and Willard) are included in the Coordinated Plan for each area. You will need to review these plans in order to submit your application for funding. Links to each plan is provided below. Please note that strategy and project priorities have been updated for each plan. The updated list of projects is on the last page of each plan for Ogden-Layton, Salt Lake-West Valley and Provo-Orem.
- Salt Lake County Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan
- Utah County Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan
- Weber-Davis Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan
- Bear River Coordinated Human Service Transportation Plan
Application Documents
The following documents must be submitted with each application in ZoomGrants. Most forms will be downloadable from the application page. Examples and templates can also be found on our Resources page.
- Federal Tax information indicating 501 (c)(3) status or government entity (Or certification that there are no nonprofit organizations able to provide service)
- Completed W-9 with Taxpayer ID for payments
- Board Authorization/Resolution granting authority to and designating appropriate individual to sign contract with UTA (and signing order and emails for e-signature)
- FFATA Checklist
- ADA Demand Response Transportation Plan
- ADA/Title VI Notice to the public posters
- Title VI Plan with LEP Four-Factor Analysis
- Driver Training Policies and Procedures (must include required training, policy to check drivers’ licenses, policies to prevent damage to assets, policies on retraining, etc.)
- Drug and Alcohol Policy
- EEO Statement and Civil Rights Policies on Agency Website (Screenshot)
- Letter of Commitment of Local Match (MUST indicate an allowable source of match)
- Current FTA Certifications and Assurances (Required Annually)
- Certificate of Equivalent Service (if acquiring non-accessible vehicles)
- Financial Audit or statement (Required Annually)
- FTA Asset Inventory Spreadsheet
- If you are a Government Agency – State designation as an agency responsible for providing services to seniors or individuals with disabilities, or certification that there are no non-profit agencies available to provide service.
Contact Us
Questions about applications, grant management, eligibility, resources, trainings:
Alika Lindsay, UTA Coordinated Mobility Grants Administrator
(801) 237-1994
Questions about program compliance, reimbursements:
Glenda Clawson, UTA Coordinated Mobility Grants Compliance Officer
(801) 287-2757
Questions about LCC meetings, partner collaboration, mobility management:
Trista Lawrence, UTA Coordination Administrator
(801) 287-2750
Questions about RidePilot Lite:
Clint Wilkinson, Project Manager
(801) 287-5336